Democratic Candidate for Florida State Representative, District # 24

It’s bigger than you!

It is time for us to take control of our political future. We can no longer sit by and hope that things will change. We must be more involved in the shaping of our Country, State and Cities. The path we are on is sure to result in things much worse than anyone could imagine.

Women’s reproductive rights are being taken away. Educating the young is being washed down to basically nothing. Social Security is on attack. Healthcare is dissolving away to nothing. Affordable housing is becoming a thing of the past.

We are committed to driving change because, “It’s Bigger Than You”. Think about that for a moment and you will realize that, not one person can make a change to these things. We must all come together and collaborate our ideas to find a new path to success. Together we can accomplish this and much more.

If you say to someone, “It’s Bigger Than You”, what does that mean? It means that you can take action by;

  • Donating to our campaign

  • Volunteering to help the campaign

  • Motivating everyone in your network to vote for our campaign

The time is now. Let’s not sit by the side and let things keep going down this path of uncertainty. I am Robert Shaw and I am running for Florida House District # 24. Help us make a difference.